Bravo Family Ties: The Next Generation

Bravo Family Ties: The Next Generation

Dear Readers…

Over the years, I’ve had so many requests for the stories of the children of the original Bravo heroes who lived in the small Wyoming town of Medicine Creek and owned the Bravo family ranch, The Rising Sun. I’ve always thought that one of these days, I would return to Medicine Creek. And now, I finally have.

The first Next Generation Bravo family story will be on stands at the end of February 2023. This is the love story of Jobeth DeMarley, who was seven years old in the very first Bravo book, THE NINE-MONTH MARRIAGE. Jobeth became a Bravo in book three, PRACTICALLY MARRIED, when Zach Bravo married her mother and adopted Jobeth. Jo is now 34 years old. Her story is Hometown Reunion.

And Jobeth isn’t the only one to get her own book. More Next Generation stories will be released in the months to come. I can’t wait to share them with you.

Her Best Friend's Wedding
Taking the Long Way Home
When Christmas Comes
His Best Friend's Girl

Happy Reading Everyone,
